Algorithms & Data Structures The Vowels Counting Challenge: Solving It with JavaScript The challenge is to count the number of vowels (i.e., 'a', 'e', 'i', 'o', 'u') in a given string. For example: when given the string "Running Egg", it should return 3, as there are three vowels: '
Algorithms & Data Structures Drawing a Pyramid with JavaScript: A Fun Challenge Given a positive integer n, will draw a pyramid with n levels using hashes (#). The pyramid should be centered and have spaces on the left and right to maintain its symmetry. Here's an example of what the output should look like for n = 4: * *** ***** ******* Test Cases // Test Case
Algorithms & Data Structures Exploring Array Chunking Challenge in JavaScript Array chunking is a common problem in JavaScript where you need to split an array into smaller sub-arrays of a specified size. This challenge can be encountered in various scenarios, such as when paginating through large datasets or when dealing with data in fixed-size chunks for processing or display. The
Software Engineering Solving the Anagram Problem with JavaScript Anagrams are words or phrases formed by rearranging the letters of another word or phrase, using all the original letters exactly once. Let's explore various methods to solve the anagram problem using JavaScript while considering only alphanumeric characters and ignoring letter cases. Test Cases // Test Case 1: Basic
Software Engineering Solving the Fizz Buzz Problem in JavaScript The Fizz Buzz problem is a simple programming task often used as an introductory coding challenge. It requires writing a program that prints a sequence of numbers from 1 to a specified limit, with the following rules: 1. If the number is divisible by 3, print "Fizz" instead
Software Engineering Max Char Problem in Javascript Given a string, return the character that occurs the most frequently. console.log(maxChar("hello")); // Expected output: 'l' (occurs 2 times) console.log(maxChar("programming guy")); // Expected output: 'g' (occurs 3 times) console.log(maxChar("aabbcc")); // Expected output: 'a&
Software Engineering Solving the Reverse Integer Problem in JavaScript The reverse integer problem is defined as follows: given an integer, the task is to reverse its digits. While this might seem simple at first glance, it raises some interesting challenges, especially when dealing with negative numbers and potential integer overflow. Test Cases // Test cases for positive integers console.log(
Software Engineering Exploring Palindrome String Problem in JavaScript A palindrome is a sequence of characters that remains unchanged when read backwards. It can be a word, phrase, number, or any combination thereof. For example, "racecar," "madam," and "12321" are palindromes, while "hello," "world," and "12345" are
Software Engineering Reverse String Problem in JavaScript The reverse string problem is a classic programming challenge where you're tasked with reversing the order of characters in a given string. While it might seem like a simple task, it can be approached in various ways, each with its own trade-offs in terms of efficiency and code